Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Breathing Space

Every flower that blooms in your garden needs enough space to breathe. The more you let it breathe in fresh air the longer it stays alive and spreads fragrance and delight. 

A relation between husband and wife is one such. There's needs to be a breathing space for the relation to nurture itself and feel live. This is the 'US' time. The time you ought to have for just the two of you. Nobody else. No children, no work, no other personal or professional commitments. Just the two of you. A movie, an outing, a lunch or a candle light dinner, or simply resting on the other's lap and spending some time just talking to each other of nothing other than just the two of you. 

Many a times in many relationships, this 'US' time gets ignored because of the burden of responsibilities and other commitments. We forget to realize that all these do not matter as much as our relationship does. And if we do not give enough time to each other, our relationship will be crushed under the burden of these responsibilities, commitments and liabilities. Now many will argue with me that this is the so called 'modern mentality' that reflects such thoughts and that there have been so many relationships that have remained strong with the test of time. My question will be, is living under one roof, handling all your responsibilities successfully and pleasing all and sundry is what life is? Aren't we responsible towards each other? 

A friend I have known for years had gotten married into a joint family with parents, brother, sister-in-law, sister, all under one roof. She used to take leave from office and accompany her husband to each and every sales call that he made. She had to wait outside all alone for hours, but she was still willing to do that. Why??? Simply because she maintained that even if it is those few minutes on the bike that they travel from one appointment to the other, it is a lifetime of togetherness for her. People did say that she was crazy, but honestly having known her even before her marriage, I feel it was her effort to keep the relationship alive. 

Many of us do stick to the marriage, to the relationship, to each other...but are we happy? Are we sure that this is what both of us want?

Love as everyone says is a feeling and not a thing. There probably is no single definition for it and may be there never will. This feeling is not stagnant, it is relative. It needs your time, you presence for the love to remain alive. 

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